How to Conquer Every Level of Bloody Bastards

Welcome to my brother's latest obsession.

This Game of Thrones style game by Tibith features three main game modes that feature physics-based battle battle between the user and the CPU (remember Kick the Boss?). The game follows a campaign that takes place across different maps, or "kingdoms." Survival mode is essentially the same concept, except your character's health does not regenerate following each match. And then, there's Zombies...
My Bloody Bastards character
Characters are fully customizable, although none of the attributes have much effect on gameplay. Weapons and armor are bought with the coins won at the end of each round. The only two weapons you really need are a good axe and the Double-Ringed Spiked Flail. The flail is essentially a set of nunchucks that you can use to club enemies from long range. Large weapons such as spears and swords are not worthwhile, as they hinder the mobility of your character's attacks. With this in mind, you can easily grind the campaign to level 150 or higher, which is where I finally stopped after becoming too GOATed.

The majority of the Apple App Store reviews are good, although there is a high distribution of 1 star reviews as opposed to 2 or 3. Perhaps they were sick of watching the same juvenile advertisement after every three matches.

While the game itself can get repetitive, it is still in its infancy. Released in December 2021, the indie game recieves frequent updates from its developer, Tibi.