Every Victorious Episode Ranked

Note: Episode titles in this article are in their production order as listed on Paramount+.

Survival of the Hottest (S1. E8.)

The gang goes to the beach to beat a heat wave but is trapped in Beck's RV, leading to a Lord of the Flies level of desperation. Cat is spared from the ordeal and spends hours partying on the beach, oblivious to her friends' distress.

Survival of the Hottest Fan

Jade–who claims to be incapable of sweating–starts to feel something drip down her arm. Trina hordes water in her bag and refuses to share, while Robbie succumbs to his thirst and drinks from a dirty fish tank. The episode ends in a twist of irony when Cat opens the door, suggesting the truck blocking them in had left hours before.

Stage Fighting (S1. E3.)

Tori is scared to perform a stage-fighting scene with Jade, who she thinks is planning to hurt her. During the scene, Jade reveals a black eye and frames Tori with hitting her on purpose, though Andre later discovers that it's make-up. Robbie and Trina share a kiss scene in class and Robbie can't let it go.

Stage Fighting Victorious

This episode further develops on the pilot and sets the foundation for Jade's character attriubutes of jealousy. However, Tori and Jade reconcile in the end as Tori accepts her punishment anyway and Jade helps her clean the theater.

This is the first instance of Jade's aggressive disposition being revealed as little more than a bluff.

Trivia: The final scene includes a guest appearance from Robert Christopher Riley, who would later co-star with Liz Gillies in the CW's Dynasty reboot as Michael Culhane.

Wok Star (S1. E16.)

Hollywood Arts rejects Jade's attempt to showcase one her play, but Tori convinces the owner of her favorite Chinese restaurant to fund it's production at a small theater nearby. The money doesn't come without a catch; The owner insists that Jade transforms it into a musical and adds her "talentless and irritating" daughter to the cast as the angel. The situation is made even worse when Jade invites her disapproving father in an effort to prove her artistic ambitions are merited.

Cat and Andre have the idea to distract Mrs. Lee with a fake celebrity to avoid casting her daughter on opening night. Trina dresses up as the fictional "Jackie Bonet" and goes as far as faking a coronary.

I'm Ready Victorious

A bit of reading between the lines suggests that "Well Wishes" was an ode to Jade's father and was her way of communicating her desire for his approval. Wok Star introduces recurring characters and "I'm ready! is by far one of the most quotable moments of the series.

However, Dan Schneider placing himself on Mrs. Lee's wall of famous celebrities next to Angelina Jolie was definitely a choice. Also, Tori's comments about Robbie's use of male-makeup seems strangely conservative at a performing arts school.

Trivia: Josh Peck has a breif cameo at the end of this episode when he congradulates Jade on her play.

Jade Dumps Beck (S1. E5.)

Beck is spotted by paparazzi hanging out with a rich and popular young female celebrity, leading Jade to become jealous and break up with him. Jade shows up at Tori's house crying and after forgiving Jade for getting make-up on her dead grandmother's pillow, Tori agrees to help the couple reconcile and tries to convince Beck to take her back.

Beck isn't sure he misses Jade, as she got him only a can of lemonade for his birthday. Jade is convinced that Beck will take her back if she buys him his dream dog: a rottweiler. When they release the dog into the Airstream RV, the dog mauls Beck's dad.

Trina Chicago Victorious

Meanwhile, Trina is about to star in a Streisand-esque play and extorts Robbie into writing a good review of her show on The Slap. Robbie can't bring himself to write a positive review of the one-woman drama, and Andre suggests reviewing the play as a comedy.

This episode features what is possibly the most iconic scene in Victorious history. Trina's one-woman-show "Chicago" is the highlight of the series and singlehandedly Daniella Monet's most shining moment on Victorious. Schneider can be heard announcing the show, and Jerry Trainer also guest stars in the theater audience.

Beck and Jade get back together despite his dad being wheeled away on a stretcher.

Trivia: The "Crystal Waters" logo makes its first appearance in this episode.

Sleepover at Sikowitz's (S1.E19)

Sikowitz hosts a sleepover party at his home so the kids can learn method acting. The event is an elimination event in which the students must stay in character all night. Tori has been assigned the role of a Raisin-Bran addicted cop, Andre is a pregnant marathon runner, Jade is a cowgirl, Beck is British, and Cat is a stand-up host from the 80s.

Robbie is the first to lose by showing concern when Sikowitz falls through a window. Cat leaves to go on a date with Sikowitz's nephew. Jade is eliminated when a hot pan is thrust in her hands, and Andre is dragged from the house by his grandmother. Beck forgets where he is the morning after and Tori wins the competition.

Andre Pregnant

All the eliminated students end up at Tori's house, which is admittedly better than spending the night with their male teacher and sustaining 2nd-degree burns.

The Bird Scene (S1. E2.)

Tori can't audition for Andre's school play until she passes a monologue called "The Bird Scene." She also struggles with decorating her locker, which is mandatory at Hollywood Arts. Andre and Robbie take a ballet class in hopes of meeting cute girls, but are dissapointed when the class is full of boys with the same idea.

Bird Scene

This episode offers good acting advice, as Tori only passes the Bird Scene after getting fed up with Sikowitz's continual rejection and providing an artistic appeal.

Tori the Zombie (S1. E6.)

Cat experiments with special effects make-up and gets a zombie mask stuck on Tori's face on the night she's supposed to star in a school play.

Trina and Cat travel to Bakersfield to purchase solvent for the industrial strength Grizzly Glue and don't return until the play is almost over. Tori and Beck Zombie

Fortunately, the playwright believes this to be an artistic liberty and gives the production a rave review.

Ice Cream for Ke$ha (S2. E3.)

The gang tries to win an ice cream sweepstakes and a private performance from pop-sensation Ke$ha.

Kesha Victorious

Ke$ha as a guest star was insane.

Tori Gets Stuck (S2. E4.)

Robbie swallows a Pontiac and Tori donates blood before a big play. Jade hides the initial donation forcing Tori to donate again. Robbie drops the bag of blood on the ground, spilling it everywhere.

Sikowitz Boat

Having now donated four pints of blood, Tori is unable to finish her performance. Sikowitz rejects Jade as the understudy for acting like a "gank" and fulfils the lead role himself.

The Birthweek Song (S1. E4.)

While struggling to find a present for Trina's birthweek, Andre suggests that Tori gives her a song as a gift. With his help, the song turns out to be fantastic, but Trina doesn't recognize the song as her present.

Tori is angered to discover Trina sold the rights to the song for $500 to buy a hat, but the producers quickly realize it isn't Trina singing on the demo. Tori agrees to record the song but they are fired from the studio when Beyonce calls to purchase it.

Birthweek Victorious

In the B plot, Robbie suffers with his nagging Mammaw's struggles to handle the internet and takes Cat along for moral support. He eventually gives up on helping her and convinces her the internet is "cancelled."

Robbie's Mammaw is portrayed by Renée Taylor of The Nanny, and her husband Maury seems to be a nod to her character Sylvia's husband Morty.

Tori & Jade's Play Date (S3. E6.)

Tori and Jade portray a married couple from the 1970s, a task that challenges their acting skills and their dynamic. Meanwhile, Cat and Robbie embark on a business venture in which they tell people negative news in an upbeat manner. Tori Jade Gay Panic Of all the alternate ships in Victorious, this episode gives credence to "Jori" and their shippers by playing with the prospect of an enemies-to-lovers arc.

Robarazzi (S1. E7.)

Robbie has a blog on The Slap, but the seniors want to shut it down as the only content showcases Sinjin and his teeth collection. Tori suggests Robbie write about the students at Hollywood Arts, but he goes overboard with his yellow journalism when he embarasses his peers.

However, his hidden-camera content is popular with the upper-classmen (including Ki Hong Lee of The Maze Runner and The Stanford Prison Experiment), and Robbie's ego grows too large to retire the blog.

Cat's addiction to ordering useless items from the Sky Store catalogue catches the attention of Lane, the school counselor.

Robarazzi Victorious

It's admittedly a painful episode to watch depending how you feel about Robbie as a character.

Wi-Fi in the Sky (S1. E9.)

Tori is trying to get some homework done on an airplane, while Trina is harassed by a petulant child. Beck is dogsitting for a cheerleader in his neighborhood and a jealous Jade storms his RV to discover the cheerleader Allie is a child. Perez Hilton make an appearance when Trina steals his camera on the plane.

Victorious Zoom Meeting

It wasn't a horrible concept, but you can feel the distance between the characters and it's obvious the cast isn't able to feed off each other's energy in their acting.

Trivia: All the characters usernames are deriviatives of their real names except for Jade (ScissorLuv) and Robbie who uses an alias to breach the chat.

The Great Ping Pong Scam (S1. E11.)

Jade, Beck, André, Cat, and Robbie won't let Tori join the Hollywood Arts ping-pong team, which is coached by Sikowitz. She hides in the vending machine and eventually discovers the team is a scam run by Sikowitz to take the students out to a fancy dinner with the school's $1500 allowance. At the restaurant, Robbie eats $600 worth of caviar and Tori is forced to sing for their supper.

Ping Pong Scam

The plot was unique.

Freak the Freak Out (S1. E13.)

Tori's friends sing at a local karaoke club, and end up competing with a pair of stuck-up girls who are regular performers there. Regardless of how good they may be, competing with those girls proves to be much more difficult than expected as one of the girls' father owns the club, and the competition is fixed. Outside of entertainment-related activities, Tori struggles to take care of Trina after her wisdom teeth removal while their parents take a trip to Santa Barbara. Tori later helps Jade and Cat get revenge on Hayley and Tara who are stuck taking care of Trina after they lose.

Freak the Freak Out

It's sad that Trina's parents care so little about her as to abandon her during her oral surgery. The costuming was strange, but the marketing for this song was all over Nickelodeon.

Beggin' on Your Knees (S2. E1.)

Countless students request Tori as a partner to perform at the Full Moon Jam, but she wants to sing a solo to impress her crush Ryder Daniels.

Beggin on Your Knees

This episode is credited as the most popular upon debut with 6.1 million viewers in April 2011.

Beck's Big Break (S1. E10.)

Beck plays a waiter in a movie starring Melinda Murray, but Tori corrects her on set and gets him fired.

Andre laments never being stung by a bee and goes as far as to begging one to sting him. Robbie is having pathological nightmares involving Rex.

Beck's Big Break

When Tori returns to set to beg for Beck's job back, she disrupts the sequence of the scene and an arrow strikes Melinda Murray through the hand. Tori (with the alias "Crystal Waters") is hailed a hero, as everyone on set hated their principal actress.

Rex Dies (S1. E14.)

Rex is sucked into a turbo fan and is taken to the hospital. The gang decides to let Rex "die" so Robbie can let him go once and for all, but Tori reverses the descision at the last moment.

Rex Dies Victorious Hospital

For a while it seemed we would see some character development from Robbie early on, but it's a tease in the end.

Three Girls and a Moose (S4. E4.)

Tori, Cat, and Jade compete with each other to win the affection of Beck's big, handsome, hockey loving Canadian friend, Moose.

Three Girls and a Moose Victorious

The writers are able to subtly yet realistically portray real topics of teenage jealousy.

The Wood (S1. E17.)

The crew from a new reality show called The Wood comes to Hollywood Arts to have the students be on the show. Cat (Ariana Grande) isn't in this episode, and Robbie and Trina aren't cast. The production crew stitches two conversations together between Beck and Tori, leading Jade to believe Beck is cheating.

The producers admit to their brazen editing and ask Tori and Jade to recreate their fight. They then demolish a car for the camera crew only to realize the car belongs to the food truck vendor Festus. The episode ends with the pair singing "Forever Baby" in Spanish.

The Wood Tori Jade Sinjin Golf Clubs

This episode is just Robarazzi on a higher scale and without the same interpersonal peer-to-peer dynamic.

A Film by Dale Squires (S1. E18.)

Hollywood Arts alum Dale Squires helps the kids shoot a short flim at the Vega house, and Trina will stop at nothing to get his attention despite how useless he is on set. When the film premieres and eventually reaches 2 million views, the credits consist of only Dale's name.

Dale suddenly has a change of heart and credits the gang for their work on his live TV recording down the street, but Tori's plan to destroy his reputation is already in motion when Andre's grandmother crashes the show.

Dale Squires Movie Premier Victorious

Meanwhile, Beck helps fix Robbie's broken-down car and the pair flex for the ladies in the school parking lot before the car is eventually stolen.

How Trina Got In (S3. E9.)

Andre, Jade, Cat and Beck trade urban legends about how Trina got accepted into Hollywood Arts. Meanwhile, Tori and Robbie are stuck at Nozu unable to pay their bill after both Tori and Robbie forget to bring their wallets.
Sikowitz Coconut
This episode was enivitable.

Who Did It to Trina? (S2. E8.)

Tori directs a play starring Trina, but when a mishap occurs on opening night, serious doubts are raised over whether or not it was truly an accident. Trina Robbie

Wanko's Warehouse (S4. E1.)

The gang's favorite megastore is having a massive sale. In order to avoid a huge line of customers, the kids hide out in the store until it closes so they can grab what they want before it's gone. However, the store is rigged with lasers, pinning them to one section of the warehouse.

As Robbie is the flattest, they slide him under the lasers.

8 inches Victorious laser

This episode was well executed.

Beck Falls for Tori (S2. E2.)

Tori is afraid to shoot a stunt for a movie and Beck dresses up as a woman to perform it.

Beck Victorious Transgender

This would have made the perfect premise for The Gorilla Club later in the series, and Tori was a lame for not performing her own stunt. Cross-dressing Beck was kind of a slay and it's hard to imagine a look Avan Jogia can't pull off.

The Diddly-Bops (S1. E15.)

When a kiddie-band's private jet crashes somewhere in the mountains, Sikowitz hires Tori, Jade, Cat, Robbie, André, and Beck as their replacements for a four-year-old's birthday party who's father is a friend of his. As embarrassed as all the kids are to be part of this, a video of their zany performance costs André an important music deal. Tori helps him transform the kids song into the soundtrack title "Song 2 U" to prove his legitimacy to the music company.

The Diddly Bops Victorious

Admittedly one of the corniest episodes, this episode showcases the talent of the cast. Robbie's rejected "Broken Glass" song is undoubtedly catchy.

Driving Tori Crazy (S3. E8.)

A movie crew obstructs Tori's usual way to and from school, forcing her to makes some hectic compromises when it comes to getting rides. Jade is pictured with a shovel in her car, blurring the lines of canon to suggest she had actually planned to kill Tori.

5 Fingaz to the Face

The Sir Mix-A-Lot parody was funny at the time.

Cat's New Boyfriend (S1. E12.)

Cat begins dating Tori's ex-boyfriend, while Trina gets Tori's friends into using illegally imported Pooka fish to get smoother feet. Tori is caught kissing Daniel and Cat punches her in the face.

Cat's Boyfriend Victorious

This episode was a huge L for Tori as it cements her as a man-stealer as this is her second offense.

"The Breakfast Bunch" (S3.E1.)

This episode is a parody of the popular 80s film The Breakfast Club. Spending the day in detention, Jade teases Cat for being a "vegan" in reference to Allison outing Claire as a virgin in the movie. Rather than spark a joint on a kids show, they imbibe in a bag of tacos.

The Breakfast Bunch Victorious

This episode takes place outside the usual canon and is never referenced again throughout the series run. While it was a creative way to experiment with a talented cast, the target audience was likely too young to appreciate the references from this classic flick.

The Worst Couple (S3. E3.)

Sinjin is hosting a game show for couples and Beck and Jade get voted "The Worst Couple" despite being the only real couple on the show.

The Worst Couple Victorious

Terror on Cupcake Street (S2. E11.)

Tori and her friends have just one night to get a float to the big parade for a chance to be on television. The effort to do so becomes more difficult when they get stuck transporting the float through a dangerous part of LA.

Victorious Cupcake Float

Car, Rain & Fire (S3. E5.)

Cat reads online that one of her favorite actresses, Mona Patterson, died. She convinces Tori and Jade to drive her to Mona's house so she can light a candle and leave a picture in her memory. Meanwhile, Trina starts claiming Beck asked her out to gain attention and clout. However, she becomes confused when Beck starts to fall for her.

Car Rain and Fire Victorious

This is another episode that I hope isn't canon because of its implications for the character and the way it is never addressed again. Jade's willingness to help her friend Cat has extended from the previous episode Andre's Horrible Girl.


After filling in for her sister Trina at a talent show, Tori Vega is given the opportunity of a lifetime when she is invited to attend Hollywood Arts High School. However, Tori feels that she doesn't fit in with the other students. After a steamy improv with Jade's boyfriend Beck, Jade pours coffee on Tori's head. Tori gets her revenge by kissing eliminating Jade from the next improve and scripting a kiss with Beck.

Victorious Pilot Coffee

The pilot does a great job of introducing the characters and setting the tone for the series.

Andre's Horrible Girl (S3. E4.)

Andre has a girlfriend who is way too bossy, and Tori finds he's only dating her to impress her father–a famous record producer. Tori tries to back him up at a concert for her birthday to boost his career plans, but they struggle to make it through the night. Elsewhere, Cat is hired to dog-sit for her mother's boss and is joined by a lonely Jade.

Trina Record Producers Victorious

We see Jade seeking solace from her loneliness with Cat, although neither character saw any personal growth by the end of the episode.

The Slap Fight (S4. E11.)

The notion of a social media content in a year where mobile social media was taking off made for good reception.

The Slap Fight Victorious

For a moment it really looks like the girls will win, but this is a rare instance of Tori not coming out victorious as the boys snatch victory from the hands of defeat.

A Christmas Tori (S2. E12.)

Sikowitz assigns the gang "Secret Santas" to get them into the holiday spirit. Tori tries to find the perfect gift for Andre; Trina asks Robbie to help decorate a giant Christmas tree; Beck suffers from lack of sleep due to an annoying cricket in his RV; Andre has a hard time coping with a "D" on his creative music class assignment.

A Christmas Tori

The Secret Santa idea was a great way to explore the dynamics of rich characters.

Victori-Yes (S4. E13.)

Sikowitz challenges his students to say "yes" to everything for an entire week.

Cat and Robbie Dumpster

Some of the jokes get sexually suggestive and... rapey?

S4. E5. Cell Block

Sikowitz challenges the kids to go a week without using their phones, laptops, or other portable electronic devices. The kids accept and quickly realize it's not going to be as easy as they thought.

Cell Block

Tori Fixes Beck and Jade (S3. E6.)

Beck wants to ask a girl out but is worried about Jade's reaction, so Tori and Andre attempt to even the playing field by getting Jade a date. Jade sings "You Don't Know Me" and they get back together.

Robbie tries to remove a butterfly stuck in Cat's ear.

Beck and Jade Kiss

The whole episode is basically a nothing-burger.

Locked Up Abroad (S2. E6.)

The gang gets locked up in the fictional country of Yurba after the death of a prized octopus. They stage a performance for the ambassador to pay back their debt.

Victorious Michael Jackson

Jade Gets Crushed (S2. E10.)

Andre and Jade are paired together for an advanced songwriting class, and he develops a crush on her.

Jade and Andre

This episode feels like it was written for clout and it came out of left field. This isn't to say that Andre and Jade couldn't have made a good couple, but because it had never been established before, there was no chemistry between the characters. The premise was ditched entirely in the later seasons.

The Bad Roommate (S4. E9.)

Andre is trying to write a song and stays at Tori's house to escape his neurotic grandmother.

Andre's Grandma

In the end Andre isn't able to write outside of his usual environment, prompting Tori to dress up as his grandmother and make as many disturbances as possible.

Blooptorious (S2. E13.)

Rex Blooptorious

A blooper episode was a great concept in theory, but the execution was off. The episode is hosted by Rex.

The Gorilla Club (S3. E2.)

After being told to take more risks, Tori goes to a dangerous underground club called the Gorilla Club which includes doing potentially life-threatening activities. Meanwhile, Andre and Robbie are forced to dance like "M.C. Hammer" in front of Jade after losing to her in poker.

Tori Arm Cast Victorious

This episode feels like a fools errand.

Tori Tortures Teacher (S2. E10.)

Sikowitz Coconut

This was a common sitcom trope in the late 2000s, like the It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia episode "The Gang Broke Dee."

Prom Wrecker (S2. E5.)

Tori schedules a school prom on the same night as Jade's production. Jade sabotages the prom.

Tori Shrimp Bra

Helen Back Again (S2. E7.)

When Hollywood Arts' principal resigns, Helen is hired. Helen requires all students to reaudition for Hollywood Arts. Helen Back

Helen was a great addition, but the plotline was out there.

Tori Goes Platinum (S3. E10.)

Tori wins a contest to sing the opening number at a big music awards show, but the producer wants to totally change her look and behavior. Tori agrees, but finds that she doesn't like her new image.

Tori Vega Record Label

Unfortunately, this episode doesn't age well in light the many Nickelodeon's scandels rooted in this era of television.

The Hambone King (S4. E2.)

After posting a hamboning (rhythmic thigh and knee slapping) video online, Robbie is challenged for the title of Hambone King. When Robbie is beaten, Tori agrees to help Robbie avenge his defeat.


As bizarre as the subject is, the episode isn't a total throwaway.

Star-Spangled Tori (S4. E12.)

Tori is asked to sing at a basketball game, and Jade and Robbie try to find out why Cat is acting weird.

Star Spangled Tori

Opposite Date (S4. E3.)

After a group activity falls apart, Tori and Beck decide to go on an "Opposite Date" where they do things that people would never do on a real date.

Andre Robbie Pear Suits

The Blonde Squad (S3. E12.)

While working on a Beck's student film "The Blonde Squad," Tori decides she, Cat, and Jade should live as blondes for a day. This proves specifically helpful for Cat, who meets a cute boy at a restaurant. But when she neglects to tell him she's not a real blonde, she begins to worry about whether or not he'll stay with her.

The Blonde Squad Victorious Charlie's Angels

Cat finally reveals her true hair color but is ultimately rejected. It really do be like that sometimes.

April Fools Blank (S3. E7.)

Tori tries to understand why Hollywood Arts doesn't celebrate April Fools Day.

Victorious Wizard of Oz

One Thousand Berry Balls (S4. E7.)

Andre gets Tori a job at a frozen yogurt stand; Cat is jealous when Robbie asks someone else to the luau.

Cat and Robbie Victorious

"Rat" (?) shippers would probably rank this episode higher, as Robbie and Cat share a tender moment at the end of the episode.

Crazy Ponnie (S3. E11.)

Tori faces strange and then scary encounters from a student that nobody else believes is real.
Crazy Ponnie
Jennette Mccurdy could have made a great addition to the Victorious cast, but her lack of enthusiasm for Ponnie's shallow and one-dimensional character was palpable. If Ponnie had been established earlier in the series, the conclusion could have made sense. Unfortunately, this episode was a reach from the start.

Robbie Sells Rex (S4.E8.)

An annoying, 12-year-old wants to purchase Rex from Robbie; Hollywood Arts is plagued by a masked flour thrower.

Robbie Sells Rex

By this point, Rex's novelty was wearing thin.

Brain Squeezers (S4. E10.)

Tori gets picked to be a team captain on the new TV game show "Brain Squeezers", that none of her friends have even heard of. That doesn't mean each and every one of them won't do everything to convince her that they are the best pick for her team. However, when the gang gets there, it turns out they didn't know what they were actually signing up for.

Brain Squeezers

How to Watch Victorious :

Victorious is available for streaming on Paramount+ and Netflix.